The people from the show
Here are some shots from my opening at the Bogart House, Brooklyn, NY
It was such a pleasure!!! Thanks so much for the support :) -
Emerging Photographer Talk @ Adorama
This Sunday April 3rd 2016 at noon, I will be presenting some of my best work, talk about the development of my vision, different inspiration sources that keep my art moving and what explaining what I find fascinating about photography. The talk will take place at Adorama Photo Store in NYC and it is Hosted by the American Photographic Artists (APA/NY).
More info @:
Where: Adorama
42 W 18th St Fl 2, New York, NY 10011What time: 12 Noon
Hope to see you there!!
Good vibes guaranteed!! -
Tertulia en el Mercado de Miranda, Santander
Amigos!! Espero veros mañana en el Mercado de Miranda. Hablaremos de foto y brindaremos con vino. No se me ocurre un plan mejor para mañana por la tarde!!
Martes 22 a las 7:30 en el Mercado de Miranda, Santander.
Organiza: Espacio de La ImagenAquí os dejo el texto que han publicado en El Espacio de la Imagen
El próximo martes 22 de marzo de 2016, a las 20:00, tendremos en nuestra sede del Mercado de Miranda a Rocio Segura, que amablemente se ha prestado a charlar con nosotros sobre su andadura en NY.
Rocio Segura, fotógrafa de retrato belleza y moda vive y trabaja en Nueva York como freelance. Originaria de Santander nos presentará como es el día a día en la Gran Manzana, como vive una fotógrafa emergente, asistente de fotógrafo y técnica de iluminación y digital. Hablará de la evolución de su visión, diferentes fuentes de inspiración y nos presentará algunos de sus mejores trabajos.Social Media y Portfolio
Web: https://rociosegura.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rocio_segura_photography/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RocioSeguraPhotographyCreemos que es una muy buena ocasión para poder conocer un mercado tan importante como el americano, fotográficamente hablando, y ver cuales son el la actualidad las exigencias de las primeras marcas en cuanto a fotografía de moda.
Lamentamos avisaros con tan poca antelación, pero ha sido algo que a surgido, rápido ya que Rocío se encuentra actualmente en nuestras tierras y regresa en pocos días a NY.
Os emplazamos a todos los que queráis acercaros por la sede a venir con ganas de disfrutar de la pasión que nos une.
Nos vemos mañana aki os dejo alguna de las fotos de esta gran artista!!!
Jaded Lover @ HAIL HAIL
Yesterday Show was great!!!!!!! Thanks so much from the bottom of our hearts to all who could make it and for the ones that couldn’t see you on the next JADED LOVER SHOW
Special thanks to Andrea Marin for the cool shots :) LOVE U
The Tube Man from Bushwick
Photo by Rocio Segura
Fabio Capuano, stylist.
This is one of the most beautiful Manhattan skyline I have ever seen in my life… even though it doesn’t show up in the image!!!! Space for the imagination.
The light was magic, and we love to play :) Bushwick TalesThanks Olga for the beautiful rooftop party !
Glam Tech!!!!!
Glam Tech by Disorient: Burning Man Party in NYC
Great night and an amazing weekend!!!!!!!!
LOVE<3 <3 <3
Heart Department Halloween
Heart Dep
Caleb and Ani
Meghan LOVES
Vadmin + KK
Vadmin + Yasir
Thanks to everyone!!! This party was an amazing success!!!
I had almost too much fun <3LOVE
Ro -
You finally burned, lost your body and freed your mind. Hope you are now happy, on peace and in a better place.
Tonight it’s a big Jaded lover performance!!!! The band that I love the more!
We play at Santos Party House, Manhattan, NY. On the Line Up are Phillip Glass and Elliot Sharp between others. The event starts at 7pm and we play at 10pm. We have being working on new fresh material never heard before.
Please be on time and don’t miss any of the artists, will be totally worthy I guarantee!!
Today is suppose to be a a happy day for me.
I want to dedicate the show to:
Alicia Satellite
Yesterday I found out we lost an angel. An angel with pretty smile but as sensitive as porcelain. You didn’t say good bye, but I know that you are now in a better place and that all the suffering that you were carrying is now gone. I wish I had the time to tell you how much I love you and how much I am gonna miss you Ali.
You are in my heart. I love you
I guess I gotta let you go.Fly baby, fly
You left a dry and hostile feeling inside all of us. But it is ok, we understand…
So happy to announce that I have been selected to be part of the EXPOSURE Exhibition in NYC!!!!!!
Will happen July THURSDAY 11th
It is opening evening!!!!!!!!From 7pm through 11pm
See | Exhibition Space
26-19 Jackson Ave.
Long Island City, NY 11101Complimentary Cocktails Provided by
Absolut VodkaCome check out all the creative works and have a good time with us!!!!!
More info @