Wind II by Rocio Segura
Wind started as a project in collaboration with Eloy Velazquez, sculptor and friend. We were putting together an installation for “De Par en Par” Exhibit at CASYC Gallery in Santander, Spain. On a typical day of strong south wind in the dazzling town, both realized that Wind was our suitable theme. The theme that would empower the spot we had chosen at the gallery and the theme that will keep our heads busy for the next few months.
Wind, the theme I always wanted to work on and immerse myself in. I am a sailor, without Wind I am siren. My town is a peninsula, it is surrounded 80 percent by water and just a thin piece of land keep us undivided. Water and wind are our signature and we sailors, will always be in love with Santander “La novia del mar”
It has been a year since this started and I am still thinking and playing and playing and thinking of that afternoon with my friend Eloy and the theme we chose.
November 01 2014
New York – Santander
Find more information at:
Rocio Segura
Eloy Velazquez
CASYC “De Par en Par” ExhibitCREDITS:
Photographer: Rocio Segura
MUA: Camille Thompson
Hair: Monet Moon
Model: Paige @ Major Model Management