My people from the BM!!!!
NYC crew @ Reno
Caleb, official bike shop @ our RV
Ani Anca, best found ever from La Playa
Ani made a cake in the dessert
Sunday happinessĀ
Home 2013 – Art and dust
There are 3 main things that are important to me at the Burning Man:
One is the fantastic people you meet or you are with, other is the million of Art Installations, Sculptures, Effigies… that are around La Playa waiting for us to go visit, and the last is music and the party.
This post is about me going by myself taking pictures for hours and hours, I have to say that it is one of my favorite moments of the day. Free myself and go explore, can’t explain with words…These are the best photographs I took this year about Art in dust.
Hope you like it :)