Malas Compañias Opening Soon
I have the pleasure to announce our next opening ‘Malas Compañías’ curated by amazing Jesús Alberto Pérez Castaños that will take place at the Centro Nacional de Fotografía (CNFoto) de Torrelavega, Cantabria, España. The show will start the 3rd of March and will remain open until April.
Hope to see you there :)
Soleil Atiles, friend
Photo by Rocio Segura
Beauty in the outside more beauty in the inside
Thanks for being by my side <3Soleil Atiles, Make up artist
Tertulia en el Mercado de Miranda, Santander
Amigos!! Espero veros mañana en el Mercado de Miranda. Hablaremos de foto y brindaremos con vino. No se me ocurre un plan mejor para mañana por la tarde!!
Martes 22 a las 7:30 en el Mercado de Miranda, Santander.
Organiza: Espacio de La ImagenAquí os dejo el texto que han publicado en El Espacio de la Imagen
El próximo martes 22 de marzo de 2016, a las 20:00, tendremos en nuestra sede del Mercado de Miranda a Rocio Segura, que amablemente se ha prestado a charlar con nosotros sobre su andadura en NY.
Rocio Segura, fotógrafa de retrato belleza y moda vive y trabaja en Nueva York como freelance. Originaria de Santander nos presentará como es el día a día en la Gran Manzana, como vive una fotógrafa emergente, asistente de fotógrafo y técnica de iluminación y digital. Hablará de la evolución de su visión, diferentes fuentes de inspiración y nos presentará algunos de sus mejores trabajos.Social Media y Portfolio
Web: https://rociosegura.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rocio_segura_photography/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RocioSeguraPhotographyCreemos que es una muy buena ocasión para poder conocer un mercado tan importante como el americano, fotográficamente hablando, y ver cuales son el la actualidad las exigencias de las primeras marcas en cuanto a fotografía de moda.
Lamentamos avisaros con tan poca antelación, pero ha sido algo que a surgido, rápido ya que Rocío se encuentra actualmente en nuestras tierras y regresa en pocos días a NY.
Os emplazamos a todos los que queráis acercaros por la sede a venir con ganas de disfrutar de la pasión que nos une.
Nos vemos mañana aki os dejo alguna de las fotos de esta gran artista!!!
Ouch !!
Yes We Can !!
Photographer: Rocio Segura @rocio_segura_photography
MUA: Claudia Oyanedel @claudia_oyanedel
Hair: Monae Everett @monaeartistry
Stylist: Mercedes Valencia @mercedes_valencia
Nails: Evelyn Lim @morbidly_fabuluxe
Model: Amanda Rezende @amandarezende @majormodelsny#shoot #dreamteam #bestshootever #cool #beauty #portrait #photoshoot #photoshoot #photographer# photooftheday #nails #makeup #mua# beautiful #ouch #monday #smile #hair #awesome
James Porto
James Porto, Photographer and Mentor -
Playa de Latas
Vacaciones de cine
Harvey Stein Photographer NY C
Major NYC-based photographer Harvey Stein shooting @ the 3 Kings Parade in Harlem.
6th of January of 2015.
.I met Harvey when I first moved to NYC, where I had come to make my dream come true.
I took a Master in Digital Photography at The School of Visual Arts NYC in 2010-2011.
He was clearly the Documentary Photography Teacher, and I say this because if you look at his work you can see how much he loves the streets and to shoot closely to the subjects he is photographing. I learned so much from him and I still do.
After the Master I was a Teaching Assistant for him at The International Center of Photography NYC in 2011.
He curated my first Solo Exhibition in NYC at Umbrella Arts Gallery called: 2 Projects, Body Craft and When we dream…Thanks so much for all your support teacher!
Check his work @ http://harveysteinphoto.com/
Photo: ©2014 Rocio Segura Photography
Happy B-day KK!!!!
See you later ;)LOVE
Always the best time w my fav male model
More images soon :)Thanks Rico!!!!!
<3 -
Wind II by Rocio Segura
Wind started as a project in collaboration with Eloy Velazquez, sculptor and friend. We were putting together an installation for “De Par en Par” Exhibit at CASYC Gallery in Santander, Spain. On a typical day of strong south wind in the dazzling town, both realized that Wind was our suitable theme. The theme that would empower the spot we had chosen at the gallery and the theme that will keep our heads busy for the next few months.
Wind, the theme I always wanted to work on and immerse myself in. I am a sailor, without Wind I am siren. My town is a peninsula, it is surrounded 80 percent by water and just a thin piece of land keep us undivided. Water and wind are our signature and we sailors, will always be in love with Santander “La novia del mar”
It has been a year since this started and I am still thinking and playing and playing and thinking of that afternoon with my friend Eloy and the theme we chose.
November 01 2014
New York – Santander
Find more information at:
Rocio Segura
Eloy Velazquez
CASYC “De Par en Par” ExhibitCREDITS:
Photographer: Rocio Segura
MUA: Camille Thompson
Hair: Monet Moon
Model: Paige @ Major Model Management